Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Running Toward Perfection

“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14

Most runners will tell you that they are constantly searching of the perfect run. I have run four marathons, each with the goal of having the perfect race. The first one was the ideal temperature but it was very windy, the second one had calmer winds but it was quite warm, the third one was a calm day with a perfect temperature, but I woke up with a cold and the forth one was the hottest October day in the history of the race.

Just as my goal of marathon perfection has yet to be realized, God regularly teaches me this is not the goal I should be seeking. Instead, He asks me to cling to him so that he can be perfection in me.

God teaches us that in life, as in running, perfect is implausible. Yet, we still run towards this goal. What we often forget is that perfect is not something that can be attained here on earth. It will not be found in the most glorious afternoon run or even an Olympic dream finally realized. However, if we set our sites on things not of this world, but rather those of eternity, the goal seems conceivable.

What does that mean for our time here on earth? As we run our races of life, be they going through our daily grind or actual foot races, we should direct our energy upward. Only by focusing on the infinite prizes found in Jesus can our faith be perfected. And, while that perfect run will most assuredly elude us here on earth, when we focus on the perfector of our faith, even our most daunting workout will bring us closer to the perfect prize.

Where Did That Year Go?

Wow...how did the year get away from me? I always said that I would never be one of those bloggers who started and then stopped mid-stream, never to blog again. Alas, I was wrong. However, I am willing to give it another try, if you are willing to read along!

Last year at this time, I was 15 pounds heavier and about 1-2 minutes per mile slower (depending on the weather!).

A lot of the running success I am enjoying now, however, does not directly correlate with running. In fact, for two months this winter, I did absolutely no running at all. Instead, I concentrated on strength training and yoga. While I have always incorporated some sort of strength training into my running regime, I was not completely sold on yoga. I always pictured it as a very painful stretching workout that would put my body into a variety of contorted poses.

While I cannot say that the poses are comfortable, after doing yoga for the past four months, I can say, it has most definitely made me a better runner! My muscles feel longer and leaner, I am less sore after long runs and I am much more relaxed. That all adds up to better and more satisfying runs.

Looking for a way to jump start your running? Consider adding yoga to your workout regime!