Once in awhile, I try to run without a time or destination in mind. I leave my watch at home, grab a water bottle and head out the door. I have discovered so many interesting things on these runs. I have met new neighbors, found new trails and discovered new running challenges.
Sometimes, after I complete my run, I hop in my car and find out just how far I went. I am always surprised by how good a ten mile run can feel when I am not pressuring myself to perform. I find these runs bring me back to the real reason I like to run. Sure it is important to keep in shape and running helps settle my brain, but it is also one of the best ways I know to connect with the world around me.
Perhaps your running is getting boring or maybe you find yourself running the same course all the time. Consider taking a trip off the beaten path. There is a world of wonders out there to discover!
Wow, love this post. It is so true. I try to switch things up as much as I can. I find when I do, when I see new sights and make new discoveries, I really return to the reason I love to run in the first place. Thanks for the reminder!