Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Many times, I run to delight in the peace and solitude of being alone. I enjoy having time in my own head without hundreds of other demands breaking in. Often running is my one chance to get away from my family and feel the wind blow through my hair.

Some of my fondest running memories, however, are the moments I have spent with friends. When I was training for my last marathon, I had one very good friend who often put up with me on long runs. We shared so much in the hours we spent together. Trust me, there are a lot of things to share when you are running 23 miles -- and let me tell you, my friend could talk the entire 23 miles.

There were days we laugh so hard we cried...and other times, we wanted to cry, but laughed instead. It was during these runs, that a close and unbreakable bond was formed. Although we don't see each other as often now that we are not training, we will always be connected through running.

There is something special about the people you meet running -- they are real. Running breaks down the walls we erect and bring us to our most base level. I think it's because we understand. We have been there -- we have run "that" race. The one that hurt so badly you just wanted it to end, or the one that was so perfect you felt as if you could go on forever. Running is the thing that joins us together and makes us realize that we are not alone.

While I still enjoy running alone, I hold dear the wonderful running friends I have met on the race courses of my life.

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