Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Magic Beans

As a marathon runner, I have tried many products to keep me energized during long runs. I have gagged down GU, Hammer Gel and PowerGel (I call it flavored Crisco...can't stand it!). I have eaten bananas, oranges and chocolate chip cookies. I have stuffed MoJo bars in my waist band to eat at a halfway point. And, I have drank so much Gatorade, I think I may have burned a hole in my stomach.

Through all of my running fuel tests and trials, I have found one thing that gives me just what I need on long runs. Just sour enough to make my mouth water. A pleasing texture and flavor. Easy to pop a few in my mouth while still running. And small enough to carry along with me. They are my Magic Beans.

I have heard some people have had bad experiences with Jelly Belly's Sports Beans, but I am considering taking stock in them, because of how many packages I have purchased. If you are looking for a new pick me up during your next marathon or endurance event training program, consider giving the Magic Beans a try. (and no, they don't have the same effect as the "other" magic beans!)


  1. I've only had them once during a race and I always think I'll choke... I'm a gu guy

  2. Yeah, ya gotta bite into them right away...I have thought about that too. I just can seem to get past the gu texture! I know many people swear by it though!
