Monday, February 2, 2009

OCD Running

Perhaps I am strange, perhaps it is the OCD or maybe, just maybe, all runners have weird running routines and habits. Here are my top ten running habits, maybe you have a few you'd like to add.

1. When I run I chant, just keep running, running, Dori on "Finding Nemo" (just keep swimming, swimming swimming).

2. I always start running at the end of my driveway...never before, never after...always at the end.

3. I always feel much taller than five feet when I am running.

4. I prefer to run in the feels like I am running faster.

5. I hate the sound of swishing nylon jackets and pants.

6. I can hear a dog barking from a mile away and immediately start looking around for the snarling teeth.

7. I always hit my mailbox when I end a run...sort of like running through the finisher's tape.

8. I hate having wet shoes or socks. It feels like running in jello.

9. I have to brush my teeth after I run....I can't stand the goobers that build up on my teeth.

10. I have always wanted to run with an American Flag draped on my back...just like the Olympic winners do!

1 comment:

  1. What a funny post! I have these rituals too! I can't stop unless it is an even mile-not at 3.8 or 10.7, it has to be on the mile. Too funny! Great post!
