Saturday, February 21, 2009

Life is a Marathon

Despite the fact that only 10% of people will ever run a marathon during their lifetime, there are many life lessons that can be learned through this endurance event. Here is a list of things I have gleaned from the four marathons I have run.

  1. People are generally nice.

  2. Enjoy the scenery.

  3. Music helps.

  4. You do stink as bad as you think.

  5. Toenails grow back.

  6. You can do it.

  7. The porta-potty is your friend.

  8. Set a goal and then tell someone, otherwise you might not do it.

  9. Never run alone -- there is always someone who needs a friend on the course.

  10. Prayer is helpful.

  11. Family is precious -- my biggest fans.

  12. Take deep breaths.

  13. Keep moving forward.

  14. Slow down if you need to.

  15. Eat a good breakfast.

  16. Get plenty of fluids.

  17. Find something to laugh about.

  18. It's okay to cry - even if you're happy!

  19. Some miles are longer than others.
  20. Finish strong.


  1. I like your lessons learned and am looking forward to creating my own. I have one week till my first marathon and lesson #1 for me was to definitely tell someone I was going to do it and then found someone to run it with me! Great lessons!

  2. Good luck on your marathon. remember, the training is the hard work, the race is the fun part!
